Saying goodbye to friends….

I have been absent from writing on my blog from some time now because I have been dealing with the unexpected loss of two of my childhood friends.  To make the story short, on February 25, I invited my two friends to go out for dinner and to spend some time together.  Around 12:30am I started getting antsy because I knew my dogs were waiting for me at home, ready to cuddle up and go to bed.  I said my goodbyes, gave my friend a hug and said “see you later.”  Three hours later, they were both gone.

Devastation is the word that best comes to mind when I found out why I couldn’t find either of them the next day and why my phone calls went unanswered.  It took two weeks to even start thinking coherently again.  I don’t think any of this will ever be ok, but I guess with time things get easier.

Since this is my blog about my dogs, I will add how they helped me and still help me get through this.  I guess the obvious way they changed my life is the fact that I went home because of them.  Before dogs, I would have been out to all hours of the night as well.  Knowing I have four creatures depending on me did change my behaviors.  Having four creatures that depend on me also made me get out of bed instead of falling into a bottomless pit of sadness.  They made me walk, and they gave me a sense of purpose when I was feeling like I didn’t understand the point of anything.

While I love my dogs and they give me so much, they can’t replace old friends.  That, I will have to learn to live with.  I can just hope that one day we will all see each other again, dogs and all.



1 thought on “Saying goodbye to friends….

  1. Having a dog as a companion is a great help in tough moments like this. Sometimes I wonder if they are a therapist, life couch, personal trainer and soul mate all in one. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m happy to hear that you have some good company.
    I will be posting an article on dog companionship soon on my New York dog walking blog.

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